What color is your summer?

The height of the summer fashion season is upon us, beach wear, shorts and tank tops presented in punches of vibrant colors and neutral palettes, lightweight cottons that breathe and colors that energize you once you adorn them. As we bid farewell to spring and think ahead towards a fruitful summer, it is time to free yourself from the weight of heavy winter attire and to bust out in our summer splendor.

I can’t but help to wonder, what colors do you associate with summer?

I think of Watermelon Reds, Lemonade Yellows and Sunset Corals. I visualize days many years ago that I sat under the huge tree in my grandparents backyard in South Carolina. It was there that they bought the watermelons straight from the garden and cut them on an old rickety table lined with newspaper. It was there that my mom and aunts would bring out glasses of fresh squeezed lemonade in glass jars (and hot dogs) for lunch while we played in the sand and it was there that I remember watching my first sunset, where the sun was huge on the horizon and the very air seem to burst into a beautiful hue of coral. My grandparents have transitioned, a storm came along and toppled the tree and the table never really had a chance…but these memories stick with me. Wonderful summers which helped me become the person that I am today; both the good and bad.

Send me an email (knottyloop@gmail.com) with your color combinations and let me know what particular colors remind you of summer and why. If I use your color combos then the item that I create will carry your name for the rest of our Knottyloopish time together. I’ll try to share your stories in the July newsletter.

Treat July like your personal New Year, resolve, rejoice, revitalize, renew and refresh.

Dare to be different!****

With Luv and respect,

Mona aka Ms. Knottyloop


KnottyLoop Creations